After almost two years of fruitful collaboration, the BWSE FOR2030 project (Bologna with stakeholders’ eyes for an innovative, inclusive and interconnected EHEA by 2030), in which ENQA is a partner, is coming to an end.
In the 2020 Rome Communiqué, ministers for higher education committed to building an inclusive, innovative and interconnected (the so-called ‘three I’s’) European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that underpins a sustainable, cohesive and peaceful Europe by 2030. To support this vision, the BWSE FOR2030 consortium has developed a series of peer-learning activities which have allowed a wide range of stakeholders to identify related challenges and solutions.
Building on these activities and with further inputs from the partners, the project released Policy Recommendations ahead of the Tirana Ministerial Conference held in May 2024. The Policy Recommendations aim to inspire European and national-level policy makers, higher education institutions’ staff in leadership positions and students to take action, implement policies as well as advocate for and design policies that will enable the realisation of an innovative, inclusive and interconnected EHEA. The consortium also contributed to the Bologna with Student Eyes 2024 publication, which explores the students’ perspective on the current state and future directions of the Bologna Process.
The partnership hosted a final conference on 20 June in Brussels to present the project results. The event gathered different stakeholders, and discussions revolved around the main outcomes of the project and the way forward in fostering an EHEA that complies with the ‘three I’s’.
The BWSE FOR2030 project has been co-founded by the European Union. The consortium, coordinated by the European Students’ Union (ESU) includes the following partners: the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the European University Association (EUA), the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), the Croatian Ministry of Education and Science and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) is an associate partner.