Home • Reviewers
169 experts
from 35 countries
Review panels
Each review panel usually consists of four members, representing key stakeholders: quality assurance agencies, higher education institutions (academics and quality assurance professionals) and students. Agencies may also choose to have an employers’ representative included on the panel.
Review panels are composed to ensure balance and diversity of geography, profile and gender, as well as including experience relevant for the specific agency being reviewed.
Quality assurance agencies
Higher education institutions (academics and quality assurance professionals)
Employers’ representative (optional)
How to become a reviewer
To become a reviewer you must be nominated by an ENQA member agency or by one of the following European stakeholder organisations: EUA, EURASHE, ESU or BusinessEurope.
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please contact your agency or your relevant stakeholder organisation for a nomination letter. Nominations must be submitted to the ENQA Secretariat together with a CV using this template.
Based on ENQA’s needs, potential reviewers are invited to attend an initial training to prepare them for conducting agency reviews. Reviewer seminars are also held for experienced reviewers in order to keep their knowledge up-to-date, exchange experiences, and discuss the development of the review methodology.