Home • Affiliates
Benefits and services
Affiliates are not permitted to vote in the General Assembly or be part of statutory bodies such as the Board, Agency Review Committee and Appeals and Complaints Committee. However, affiliates do have the right to attend and speak at the bi-annual General Assembly meetings, thereby giving input to matters related to the strategic development of the Association.
Affiliate criteria and fee
ENQA Affiliate status is open to organisations worldwide that have an interest in quality assurance of higher education but that cannot or do not want to be ENQA members. Please note that affiliation is not open to individual higher education institutions.
Affiliates are required to re-apply every five years.
The affiliate fee is 3,606 € per year.
How to apply
Organisations seeking affiliation can apply through an online form. Please contact the ENQA secretariat for access. Applications must include a letter stating that the organisation agrees to abide by the ENQA Statutes.
Once a completed application is received, ENQA Members are given the opportunity to express whether there are any causes for concern regarding the applicant. The application and any causes for concern will be consider in the next scheduled meeting of the ENQA Board. The decision on affiliation will be taken by the ENQA Board and endorsed by the General Assembly.