As part of the upcoming external review of ENQA Agency Reviews, ENQA has produced a self-assessment report (SAR).
One of the core services offered by ENQA is external reviews of quality assurance agencies. As part of its own quality assurance cycle, ENQA is committed to undergo voluntary external reviews of the ENQA Agency Reviews. The purpose of the external review is to evaluate the activities and procedures of the ENQA Agency Reviews with the intention to support the improvement of its usefulness and fitness-for-purpose.
The SAR describes and analyses how the Agency Reviews comply with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (the ESG) and considers the changes made in the review process since the first review in 2019. The SAR also reflects on the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ENQA Agency Reviews as well as key challenges and areas for future development, and ENQA’s collaboration with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
The self-assessment report forms the starting point for the panel conducting the external review, as well as being a helpful reflection exercise for ENQA. It was prepared by ENQA with input from key internal and external stakeholders. The next step of the review process is a site visit by an expert panel in December. The panel will then prepare a review report, which is expected in March 2025. The SAR and further information on the external review is available here.