Targeted review of MusiQuE (2025)

The Music Quality Enhancement (MusiQuE) is undergoing a targeted external review coordinated by ENQA. The review will evaluate whether and how the agency meets the expectations of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. The review is scheduled to finish in autumn 2025.

This review is coordinated by Milja Homan.

You can find the pages to all of MusiQuE ’s reviews here.

  • Oliver Vettori, Dean Accreditation and Quality Management, HE Researcher, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria –  Chair, academic (EUA nominee)
  • Lineke van Bruggen, Country Coordinator Benin and Togo, PUM; Senior expert/Consultant Internationalisation and Higher Education; Former Senior Policy Advisor, coordinator international, department of the Netherlands NVAO, The Netherlands – Secretary, quality assurance professional (ENQA nominee)
  • Eva Fernandez de Labastida, Internationalisation and projects manager, Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq), Spain – Panel member, quality assurance professional (ENQA nominee)
  • Carlo Mazzini, Master’s student in wind band composition, Milan conservatory, Italy – Panel member, student (ESU nominee, member of the European Students’ Union Quality Assurance Student Experts Pool)

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