13 November 2014-15 November 2014 All Day
The European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) provides a unique platform for the higher education and quality assurance (QA) communities to monitor, shape and anticipate developments in the field. The main purpose of the forum is to foster a dialogue on QA that bridges national boundaries and leads to a truly European discussion on QA in higher education, and to create a common European understanding of QA through discussions and networking among different stakeholder groups.
The 9th European Quality Assurance Forum, co-organised by ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE, took place at the University of Barcelona, Spain, on 13-15 November 2014.
Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, the 2014 EQAF, entitled “Changing education – QA and the shift from teaching to learning”, combined practice-oriented or research-based discussions that took place in the paper sessions and workshops with presentations of current developments in quality assurance.
For more information, please visit the event website.