Home • Member And Affiliate Database • ACSUCYL • Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León
Home • Member And Affiliate Database • ACSUCYL • Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León
ACSUCYL was legally set up in November 2001 as the external assessment body for the university system in Castilla y León and is aimed at the assessment, accreditation and certification of quality at universities and research and higher education institutions in Castilla y León. It is independent from the regional government, directed by a Board of Directors.
In 2010, Law 12/2010 of 28 October updated its legal framework, adapting the regulation of its functioning and structure to the requirements set at European level for quality assurance agencies in the university area.
ACSUCYL’s mission is to ensure quality in the university system in Castilla y León, contributing to its ongoing improvement, and thereby creating value for society. Since its establishment, the agency has focused its activities on the development of programmes for quality assessment of the universities in the Autonomous Region and enhancing the processes that lead to its improvement.
ACSUCYL also collaborates in the processes of assessment, accreditation and certification of universities and higher education institutions outside the Autonomous Region of Castilla y León in the context of the European Higher Education Area.
The main role of the agency is the evaluation, certification and accreditation of the activities related to the quality of the university system, and specifically the evaluation of teaching staff, degrees, research, as well as institutional quality. The agency also carries out cooperation and coordination activities both at national and international level.
ACSUCYL is currently undergoing a targeted review coordinated by ENQA. More information can be found here.
ACSUCYL is registered on EQAR.
Salvador Rus Rufino