The 10th ENQA Training of Agency Reviewers took place on 6-7 November 2014 in Oslo, Norway. The training session was organised by ENQA and hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).

The experience on the use of the ENQA membership criteria in the external reviews of ENQA member agencies gained over the last years, and the parallel use of the European Standards and guidelines (ESG) as the criteria for EQAR listing, emphasise the importance of experts being well prepared for the agency reviews. Based on the lessons learned, feedback and materials from the already completed reviews, the training sessions aimed at providing experts with, among others, the necessary knowledge and guidance on the interpretation of the ENQA membership criteria/ESG. Reviewers who have attended such training sessions will be included in the ENQA pool of experts. The trainings are aimed both for experts who have already been involved in national or ENQA coordinated reviews, and for potential future reviewers.

The training programme is available here.

Photos from the training are available here.

The following presentations from the event are available:

What is an agency review? by Helka Kekäläinen

The complex issue of reviews by Tove Blytt Holmen

Agency reviews – the agency perspective by Jon Haakstad

Agency Reviews: A student perspective by Olav Øye

Focus on the role of the secretary by Teresa Sánchez

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