The General Assembly of 2010 introduced a second annual meeting for all members, the so-called Members’ Forum. ENQA’s Members Forum 2011 was organised in cooperation with the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), and was held on 4 March, 2011 in The Hague, Netherlands.
The Members’ Forum aimed at strengthening the role of members in the internal decision-making process of ENQA and in the work that is carried out by the Board. Thus, the Members’ Forum 2011 not only dealt with the relocation of the association but also provided a forum for discussion and decision-making on two additional issues:
- Quality Assurance and Transparency Tools
- Membership structure
The event programme can be found here.
Due to some formal decisions that need to be made in order to establish ENQA in Belgium, this Members’ Forum included:
- a preparatory meeting for the establishment of ENQA as a Belgian Association (AISBL);
- a General Assembly of the current association to decide about the dissolution of ENQA in Finland.