The ENQA General Assembly 2013 was organised in cooperation with the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC), and was held on 29-30 October, 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Day 1: General Assembly Forum, 29 October from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs
The General Assembly gave an opportunity to the members and affiliates to give feedback on the revised version of the ESG prior to it being discussed by the BFUG at their meeting on 7-8 November 2013. The revised ESG was presented in the first plenary session and then discussed in groups. The second theme of the General Assembly Forum explored the role of QA agencies in crossing border activities and the challenges such activities pose for the agencies’ standard QA model.
Day 2: General Assembly, 30 October from 8.00-9.00 to 12.30 hrs
The heads of agencies were invited to a CEO breakfast from 08.00 to 9.00 on Friday 30th October to discuss a topic linked to cross-border quality assurance: “the EHEA market for QA services – internationalisation, competition and QA”.
The rest of the morning was reserved for organisational and administrative matters.
The event programme can be found here.