CBQAN network meeting
A number of quality and recognition agencies that are attending the Asia-Europe Forum (including those from China (CDGDC), Hong Kong (HKCAAVQ), UK (QAA and UK NARIC), Latvia (AIC) and Ireland (QQI)) that are members of the CBQAN network will meet at Dublin Castle on the morning of Wednesday 19 December from 9am until lunchtime. They would like to invite ENQA member agencies to attend this meeting also, to discuss areas of mutual interest and potential collaboration regarding the quality and recognition of transnational higher education between Europe and Asia. It is not necessary to be a member of the CBQAN network to attend. For more information on CBQAN, please click here.
If you would also like to attend the CBQAN meeting on 19 December, please email Alison at aquinn@qqi.ie and Alison will include you on the delegate list.
We hope you can attend the International Forum and the CBQAN meeting and we look forward to welcoming you to Dublin in December 2018!