The workshop “Promoting Quality Culture in Higher Education Institutions: The role of QA agencies” took place on 12-13 September 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. This event was organised by ENQA within the “Promoting quality culture in higher education institutions (PQC)” project of EUA with the financial support of the Lifelong Learning Programme/ Erasmus sub-programme.

While the majority of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Europe have built up quality assurance (QA) systems, recent research shows that those in charge of managing quality at universities feel the need for further incentivising of all stakeholders (students, academic and administrative staff) to take on the responsibility for quality, i.e. to put Part 1 of the ESG into practice and build quality cultures. This workshop aimed to examine the role of QA agencies in the process of building and fostering quality culture in HEIs. The workshop started by looking at the findings of recent ENQA work on the impact of external quality assurance and the recent EUA studies on quality culture. The participants were then invited to discuss how agencies can use the external QA procedures which they design and carry out to support HEIs in fostering and promoting quality culture at all levels. Some good practice examples were presented.

The workshop programme can be found here.

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