About the event
ENQA organised a seminar on the European dimension of quality assurance, taking place on 14-15 June 2018 at the University Foundation, located at Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. The seminar was open to all, but it was primarily geared towards new staff of QA agencies or others with less knowledge or experience working in quality assurance at the European level.
The programme informed participants about relevant topics such as the Bologna Process, the European Commission’s priorities concerning quality assurance and higher education, the role of the main stakeholder bodies in the European Higher Education Area, the implementation and use of the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), and key issues of quality assurance in practice. Participation was open to ENQA members, affiliates, and other interested stakeholders.
Final programme
Biographies of the speakers
Practical information
List of participants
- EU’s modernisation agenda for higher education – future priorities by Klara Engels-Perenyi
- The Bologna Process and the EHEA – taking stock and looking forward by David Crosier
- European QA framework: history, principles, and tools by Tove Blytt Holmen
- ENQA and its member agencies – what have we learned from the ENQA Agency Reviews? by Agnė Grajauskienė
- EQAR – what it is, what it does, and why do we need it by Karl Dittrich
- Using the ESG 2015 for internal and external quality assurance – challenges and successes by Colin Tück
- Using the ESG 2015 for internal and external quality assurance – challenges and successes by Tia Loukkola
- QA in practice – moving from programme to institutional EQA by Pieter Caris
- QA in practice – using the ESG to assess e-learning by Esther Huertas Hidalgo
- QA in practice – selection and training of experts by Caty Duykaerts
Photos from the event are available on the ENQA Facebook page.
For inquiries concerning this event, please contact Milja Homan at the ENQA Secretariat.
View this map in Google Maps here.