About the event

The ENQA seminar for agencies preparing for an initial external review, hosted by the Academic Information Centre (AIC), took place on 27-28 September 2018 in Riga, Latvia.

The seminar was open to ENQA affiliates and other quality assurance agencies that were preparing to undergo an external review against the ESG 2015. The seminar focused on the whole external review process, from preparation to follow-up. Participants were given insight into the purpose and objectives of the review and discussed best practices relating to the self-assessment process and how to maximise the benefits of the external review where future planning and agency development are concerned. Additionally, the seminar offered a unique opportunity to learn from agencies that had successfully undergone an ENQA Agency Review during discussions in which some of the challenges in meeting the expectations of the ESG 2015 were explored, and ideas on how to approach them were exchanged.

While the seminar mainly focused on preparing for an initial external review, it also proved beneficial for ENQA member agencies that underwent their first external review against the ESG 2005 and which were preparing to be reviewed against the ESG 2015.


Final Programme
Practical information
List of participants


  1. Introduction of AIC by Jolanta Silka
  2. Art of self-reflection for constant enhancement: the purpose and objectives of the review by Paula Ranne
  3. What to expect – main stages of the review process by Agnè Grajauskienè
  4. ENQA agency coordinated reviews for the purpose of EQAR registration by Melinda Szabó
  5. Best practices for the self-assessment by Agnè Grajauskienè and Goran Dakovic
  6. How did we do it? Case examples from AIC by Asnate Kažoka
  7. How to maximise the benefits of the external review – future planning and development by Caty Duykaerts

For inquiries concerning this event, please contact Anthony Jasper at the ENQA Secretariat.

View this map in Google Maps here.


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