The ENQA seminar on “European QA agencies’ ways to comply with the ESG in an international perspective, adhering to the European dimension: Shaping the future together” will take place on 2-3 June 2014 in Brussels, Belgium on the premises of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB) and will be hosted by the Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Higher Education Council (VLUHR QAU).
ENQA working group knowledge on part III of the ESG (KP3)
In September 2013, the ENQA Board established the KP3 standing committee (Knowledge on Part 3 of the ESG) as a permanent ENQA working group, in order to map and analyse the ways in which the quality assurance agencies comply with part III of the ESG and to advise on how the agencies could improve their current position.
The seminar will address the issues related to how quality assurance agencies comply with the ESG in an international perspective. What are the challenges encountered and what best practices are adopted? Furthermore, the seminar will give information on the revision process of the ESG and its current status, explore the themes of resources, independence and system-wide analysis, as well as the link between the national priorities and the European level needs.
The seminar comprises presentations by keynote speakers from the ENQA Board and from various quality assurance agencies and the ENQA working group members , as well as breakout sessions on the difficulties encountered by the agencies when complying with the above mentioned criteria, how to foster their involvement, exchange of ideas and best practices.
The seminar will provide the participants with the opportunity to get hands-on experience to further improve their compliance with the ESG in an increasing international environment, and interactive discussions to share their views, ideas and experience related to this matter.
The seminar will mainly address the managerial staff of quality assurance agencies and the staff members involved in the preparation of the external evaluation of the agency such as the drafting of the self-evaluation report. All ENQA member quality assurance agencies, newly established agencies and affiliates wishing to become full ENQA members are welcome to participate in the seminar.
Please note that maximum two participants per agency can register. The fee for this event is 220 € per participant. The dinner in the evening of June 2nd is optional and an additional amount of 50 € per participant will be requested if you wish to participate.
Please find the programme of the seminar here.
Please make sure to register before 23 May 2014.