The seminar on the European dimension of quality assurance took place in Brussels at the University Foundation on 3-4 November 2016. The seminar aimed to gather new staff of QA agencies or those who were interested in learning more about the context of quality assurance at the European level.

The programme informed participants about relevant topics such as the Bologna Process, the European Commission’s priorities concerning quality assurance and higher education, the role of the main stakeholder bodies (including the E4 and EQAR) in the European Higher Education Area, and the purpose of the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Participation was open to ENQA members, affiliates, and other interested stakeholders.

The following materials are available:
List of participants
Practical information

The following presentations are available:
The Bologna Process and the EHEA by Una Strand Vidarsdottir
Reviewing the EU agenda for modernisation of higher education systems by Simon Roy
ESG 2015: the process, essence and implications for the QA agencies by Maria Kelo
EQAR – what is is, how it works, what is does by Colin Tück
Internal quality assurance: perspective of the European universities by Tia Loukkola
Expectations of students on HE reforms and quality assurance in Europe by Blazhe Todorovski
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes by Mark Frederiks
EQArep Project by Orla Lynch
Quality Assurance of Cross-Border Higher Education – Results of the QACHE project by Paula Ranne

Photos from the event are available on the ENQA Facebook page.

View this map in Google Maps here.


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