The final conference of the EQUIP project gathered about 100 participants to present the outcomes of the project activities. It focused on the presentation of effective and innovative ways to use the revised ESG for all stakeholders of higher education as a tool for the long-term enhancement of quality in the EHEA. It had particular resonance in view of the then-upcoming 2018 EHEA Ministerial Conference.

The event took place on Tuesday 27 February 2018, from 8:30 to 10:30, in Brussels at the Fondation Universitaire (Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium).

Further information can be found on the official event webpage.

The EQUIP project is an EU-funded project by EURASHE, ENQA, EUA, ESU, EI, EQAR, UiO and CCISP.


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