EURIE 2019 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit creates a new platform for internationalization for not only Eurasian but also global higher education sector.
EURIE is the meeting point for the higher education institutions, international education professionals, educational service providers and academics from all around the world who are seeking to establish cooperation with the Eurasian Region as well as many prestigious institutions attending from all around the world. It features an expo for higher education institutions, as well as panels, seminars, workshops and roundtable discussions to expand the knowledge, networks and collaboration opportunities for the participants. EURIE’s vision is to enhance internationalization of higher education not only in Eurasia region, but also in global scale by creating new opportunities for universities: EURIE Prospectus
At EURIE 2018, we are proud to host more than 2.500 attendees from 71 different countries covering rectors, vice rectors, international office representatives and international education sector leaders along with over 150 booths and 40 panels presented by 80 valuable speakers from all around the world. All the detailed information about EURIE 2019 is available on EURIE website
EURIE is mainly endorsed and supported by EURAS – Eurasian Universities Union as well as DEIK – Foreign Economic Relations Board, Higher Education Business Council and other collaborative partners that are the major players of higher education. EURIE Summit, as the third largest higher education event of the world, is welcoming all the institutions, organizations and official authorities that are related to higher education.
EURIE – Eurasia Higher Education Summit Team