Launched in 2008, the HKQF has played a pivotal role in promoting and supporting lifelong learning, greatly enhancing the quality, professionalism and competitiveness of Hong Kong’s workforce in an increasingly globalised and knowledge-based economy.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of HKQF. To celebrate this commemorative occasion, the HKQF International Conference 2018 themed “QF in the Next Decade: Quality, Progression and Recognition” will be jointly organised by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and Qualifications Framework Secretariat, and Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) being the co-organiser, in Hong Kong on 17-18 September 2018. The Conference aims to explore global trends and issues of developing QF, to promote dialogues among places with advanced QF systems, and to examine the role of QF in the changing vocational and education training systems. Through experience sharing and discussion, it is expected that participants will benefit from stakeholders’ local and international perspectives on the future development of QF and how QF can further support the development of vocational and professional education and training.
For details, please visit the conference website.