The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), together with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, is organizing a conference on the assessment and demonstration of the achievement of learning outcomes, on 29-30 October from 9.30 am in The Hague, The Netherlands. The conference is part of the EU-financed project Facilitating Bologna Tools of the Dutch Ministry of Education (OCW), the National Agency Erasmus+ and NVAO.
The programme will involve active participation by the participants. It starts at 9.30 am on 29th October 2015 and will consist of a general overview on the topic, followed by the presentation of four case studies on the assessment and demonstration of achieved learning outcomes in the context of HEI’s and QA’s.
The afternoon will be filled with breakouts in three workgroups to review good practices put forward by participants and a discussion of what can be taken home from these examples in the form of guidelines.
The concluding session on Friday morning will be devoted to a discussion on how to formulate guidelines on the basis of the cases presented the day before. The programme ends at 12.30 pm.
What is it about?
Using achieved learning outcomes in quality assurance and accreditation and assessing and demonstrating these has been identified as a development that needs further enhancement and training. The peer learning event provides a platform for sharing and discussing good practices and eventually formulate a set of practical guidelines, which will later on be made available for a wide audience. In the preparation the following themes and questions have been formulated:
Themes and questions
- Do you know of any good practices or case studies from HEI when it comes to describing intended learning outcomes in a clear and measurable way, both at course unit and at programme level so that learning outcomes are understandable and verifiable for all target groups concerned?
- Do you know of any HEI serving as examples of good practice when it comes to demonstrating convincingly the achievement of the intended learning outcomes to the stakeholders?
- Do you know of any good practices or case studies from QA when it comes to evaluating intended learning outcomes and the demonstration of their achievement?
- Are there interesting case studies on the involvement of internal/external stakeholders in the formulation of intended learning outcomes or on how HEI organize this involvement?
- Do you know of any training programmes HEI have access to in order to facilitate the proper formulation and assessment of intended learning outcomes?
- Do you know of any convincing case studies of methods programme committees apply to monitor the appropriate link between learning outcomes, curriculum design and learning activities, and assessment methods and criteria?
- Are there interesting case studies of properly defined expectations that QA have with respect to the use of intended learning outcomes and their assessment and demonstration of achievement?
- Do you know of any convincing case studies of methods programme committees apply to monitor the appropriate link between learning outcomes, curriculum design and learning activities, and assessment methods and criteria?
- Are there interesting case studies of properly defined expectations that QA have with respect to the use of intended learning outcomes and their assessment and demonstration of achievement?
Who are the participants?
The Peer Learning Event has a maximum of 90 participants, mainly from Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Quality Assurance Agencies (QA). The event is set up in response to interest for this theme from a number of countries. Therefore, registration for participation has been limited to national delegations from the following countries : Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Spain, France, Portugal, Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, Poland. There will also be a delegation from EURASHE and Dutch QA and HEI. A link for registration will be published here at the beginning of September.
Fee and practical matters
The costs for participation in the Peer Learning Event involve are 400 euro. For this we provide the following:
- participation in the conference;
- accommodation for max. two nights in the Hague (only when booked through NVAO on registration);
- lunches and dinner during the conference (only when taken at the conference);
- reimbursement for travel costs to a maximum of 400 euro per participant.
A separate webpage for registration for the conference will be made available from the beginning of September. Conditions for reimbursement will be announced there. The fee has to be paid to confirm registration and no hotel bookings will be made until the fee is paid.
The organizing team on behalf of the NVAO consists of Thomas de Bruijn and Dagmar Provijn. Please contact us if you have questions or if you are interested in taking part in this event, but are not included in the participants above. We can perhaps put you on a waiting list, when not all delegations are filled.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
More information is available here.