
Early Bird Registration! Pioneering Strategies for Tomorrow’s Higher Education at the ASIIN Global Conference

09.-10. December 2019, Dresden, Germany

The ASIIN Global Conference The Race is On – Pioneering Strategies for Tomorrow’s Higher Education will take place on 09.-10. December 2019, in Dresden, Germany.

Disruptive technology, the increasingly global nature of education and the increased need for and shift towards life-long learning are the focus of this year’s global conference for higher education and quality assurance professionals. In order to meet the growing demand for specialized education, available anywhere at anytime, the traditional higher education system must improvise and adapt or risk being replaced by the new businesses, organizations and institutions streaming into the sector.

Join us for networking and inspiring talks from leading international experts representing the most important stakeholder groups in higher education and the QA sector! In your free time, enjoy one of Germany’s most famous Christmas markets as well as prominent historic sites in this beautiful city on the Elbe River. Register until September 30th, 2019 for the Early Bird 10% discount.

Some of the prominent speakers include:

Josie Frasier, Deputy vice Chancellor, Open University UK

Peter van der Hijden, Former Head of Sector Higher Education Policy European Commission, Independent Higher Education Expert

Troy Williams, Managing Director of University Ventures

Balasz Nemeth, President of the European Universities Continuing Education Network

Maria Kelo. Managing Director of ENQA

Benjamin Schmäling, Head of Unit, German Academic Exchange Service

Philipp Leipold, CEO of Academy

For more information, visit our conference website or send an email to gf@asiin.de and thielenhaus@asiin.de.

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