In conjunction with the 2015 EQAF in London, EURASHE and it PHExcel project partners (AEC, ELIA, SPACE, The University of Nottingham, Jagiellonian University and KIC-Malta) will organise the fee-free PHExcel conference ‘Striving for Excellence in Higher Education: Bringing Education and the World of Work Together’ at the Chelsea College of Arts, on 18-19 November 2015. Outcomes resulting from the of the project’s phases – researching quality tools in Europe, developing a framework for excellence, testing this framework in pilot assessments, and validating it with consultations and surveys – will be presented.
The free-of-charge event aims to:
- Discuss excellence in higher education, especially how to achieve excellence in bringing higher education and the world of work together, a key feature of professional higher education throughout Europe.
- Exchange ideas on the barriers and challenges to assessing and recognising excellence.
- Debate with experts and representatives from many sectors, including the arts, music, business and language studies and nursing education, what excellence means to them and how to achieve it across various sectors in Europe.
- Engage with colleagues from quality assurance agencies presenting the outcomes of their own research on delivering excellence in higher education.
- Meet participants from the four pilot assessments that PHExcel conducted and experts who contributed to the development of our quality framework and assessment process.
The conference is organised by EURASHE and the partners of the PHExcel project (AEC, ELIA, SPACE, The University of Nottingham, Jagiellonian University and KIC-Malta).
More information is available here.