“Quality assurance of work-based learning”
About the work-based learning concept
The rise of competence-based education in higher education in the nineties strengthened the cooperation between the educational institutions and study programmes on the one hand, and the professional practice on the other hand. It has been shown that competence development is the most successful in changing realistic professional situations, the so-called vocational training or workplace learning. Internships have therefore become an indispensable element in many higher education study programmes. More recently, the interpretation of workplace learning as apprenticeship on the work floor evolves to a wider approach and understanding within the concept of work-based learning (WBL) or dual learning.
About the event
The main aim of the event would be to initiate and foster discussions concerning the work-based learning concept and how confidence on work-based learning in HE could be built. The event should facilitate investigating the challenges to be overcome providing top-quality education on a working environment:
– compare the different terminologies in order to conceptualize work-based learning while analysing the different stakeholders’ perspectives;
– define the scope of WBL in an international perspective, mapping current practices and exchanging good practices.
Based on the above, the event will facilitate participant interaction and could foster future collaboration:
- Analysis of the situation – Conceptualisation of work-based learning and analysis of perspectives of stakeholders. Work-based learning is often understood in multiple ways, depending on the perceptions and expectations of different stakeholders Work placements, dual learning, cooperative education and sandwich courses are frequently used terminologies within this context. It is important that there is a shared understanding of what is meant with this terminology.
- Good practice sharing involved in work-based learning experiences.
Date and place:
11 of June 2019, Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Uribitarte 6, Bilbao.
Unibasq / NVAO
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
For questions or for more information about the event, contact the event organisers directly at info@unibasq.eus.
2019/06/11 – Draft programme
8:30 – 9:00 – Registration
9:00 – 9:15 – Welcome of participants.
Adolfo Morais Ezquerro – Vice-minister for Universities of the Basque Government
Eva Ferreira García – Director of Unibasq.
9:15 – 10:00 –Work-based learning – concept and aims
Michal Karpíšek. Secretary General- EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education)
10:00 – 11:30 Quality Assurance Agencies’ experiences (NVAO, QAA Scotland, Unibasq)
11:30 – 12:00 – coffee-break
12:00 – 13:30 Good practice models of work-based learning – Presentations of current practices: UPV/EHU, Deusto University and Mondragon University
13:30 – 15:00 – International perspective of work-based learning –discussion panel and open Q&A session
15:00 Conclusions and closure
Registration: https://forms.gle/BwsYPoUozLzvctrP8