22 October 2015-23 October 2015 All Day
The 6th ENQA General Assembly: 15 Years of ENQA will take place at the Dublin Castle Conference Center in Dublin, Ireland, on 22-23 October 2015 and will be hosted by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).
The themes of the GA Seminar, which will take place on the first day of the meeting, include the outcomes of the “Quality Assurance of Cross-border Higher Education” (QACHE) project, trends in quality assurance in the USA, and understanding the ESG 2015 as ENQA membership criteria. The second day, reserved for members and affiliates only, will be dedicated to formal organisational and administrative proceedings.
The event’s programme is available here.
Information for the breakout session is available here.
The list of participants is available here.
Practical information is available here.
The following presentations are now available:
Possibilities with the revised ESG and working with them as the ENQA membership criteria by Teresa Sánchez Chaparro
Issues and Trends in Quality Assurance in the US by Barbara Brittingham
QA of cross-border higher education (QACHE project): Presentation on the toolkit by Rafael Llavori and Solange Pisarz
Photos from the event are available here.