23 October 2024-25 October 2024 All Day
The 2024 General Assembly took place on 24-25 October in St. Julian’s, Malta. The event was organised in cooperation with the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) and was held in the Marriott Resort and Spa. It was preceded by a social programme taking place on 23 October.
The theme of the General Assembly programme was ‘Quality assurance beyond the ESG’ and it included sessions on QA of research, and links between QA and the social dimension of higher education. Breakout sessions included case examples from ENQA members and affiliates as input for discussion on the broad range of activities undertaken by agencies. Participants were also updated on policy developments following the EHEA Tirana Ministerial Conference, and contributed to first discussions about the next ENQA strategic plan.
The programme is available here.
Practical information, accommodation and social programme
Full details of the social programme offered by MFHEA and practical information about the event (including venue and hotels) are available here.
The list of participants can be consulted here.
Presentations from the event are available below:
Presentation of the Malta QA system, by Dr Rose Anne Cuschieri, MFHEA CEO and Mr Lawrence Azzopardi, Head Accreditation, Quality Assurance and Validation
Updates on the ESG revision and Bologna Process work plan, by Anna Gover, ENQA Director
Opening Plenary: External QA of research – unveiling agencies’ realities:
External quality assurance of research, unveiling agencies’ realities, by Sophie Guillet Head of the cooperation unit, Hcéres
Quality Assurance of Research and Research Assessment: The Italian Approach, by Marilena Maniaci, ENQA Board member and Governing Board Member of ANVUR
Breakout sessions:
Implementing external quality assurance of research
- Sophie Guillet, Head of the cooperation unit, Hcéres (France)
- Olöf Sigfúsdóttir, Executive Director, IAQA (Iceland)
Frameworks for institutional evaluations
- Dietlinde Kastelliz, Head of Department Audit, Consulting and Evaluation, AQ Austria
- Mirella Harri, Counsellor of Evaluation, FINEEC (Finland)
Agency cooperation in external QA
- Cooperation between HEA and AHERS, by Jelena Santic Stefanoska, Senior Official for Higher Education, HEA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Tatjana Radakovic, Associate Advisor for Accreditation in the Sector for Accreditation and International Cooperation, AHERS (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- NAQA case, by Nataliia Stukalo, Vice Head, NAQA (Ukraine)
Digitalisation and data informed QA
- Iordan Petrescu, Advisor to the President, ARACIS (Romania)
- Ole-Jacob Skodvin, Director for Evaluation and Analysis, NOKUT (Norway)
Closing Plenary: QA and Social Dimension
Linking quality assurance and the social dimension of higher education, by Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Former Co-Chair of the BFUG Working Group on Social Dimension, Executive Director of the Institute for the Development of Education (Croatia)
QA and Social Dimension. The experience of AQU Catalunya, by Esther Huertas Hidalgo, Head of Quality Assessment Area, AQU Catalunya (Spain)