23 October 2024-25 October 2024 All Day
The 2024 General Assembly will take place on 24-25 October in St. Julian’s, Malta. The event is organised in cooperation with the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) and will be held in the Marriott Resort and Spa. It will be preceded by a social programme taking place on 23 October.
The theme of the General Assembly programme will be ‘Quality assurance beyond the ESG’ and it will include sessions on QA of research, and links between QA and the social dimension of higher education. Breakout session will include case examples from ENQA members and affiliates as input for discussion on the broad range of activities undertaken by agencies. Participants will also get updates on policy developments following the EHEA Tirana Ministerial Conference, and contribute to first discussions about the next ENQA strategic plan.
The draft programme is available here.
Practical information, accommodation and social programme
Full details of the social programme offered by MFHEA and practical information about the event (including venue and hotels) are available here.
As the GA coincides with a high season in Malta, accommodation options are limited and prices are rising fast. The host agency was able to negotiate the preferential rates with five hotels (valid until 10 October). Further details, including information on other hotels recommended by the host agency are available in the practical information document.
Registrations for this event are now closed.