17 March 2009 All Day
A debriefing/brainstorming meeting in order to prepare for the future training sessions of experts for agency reviews, took place on 17 March 2009 in the World Trade Centre of Barcelona.
The meeting gathered 20 experts who have already been involved in national or ENQA coordinated reviews, and the ENQA Board members. The purpose of the meeting was to gather experiences both from the experts of agency reviews (on the review procedures) as well as from the Board members (on the decision making processes on the reviews), and finally to prepare for the forthcoming training sessions – to gather concrete proposals and advice as regards. The programme may be found here.
The functioning of the EQAR and the experience of the use of the ESG, gained over the last three years, show how important it is that the experts are well prepared for the agency reviews. The training sessions will aim at providing experts with, among others, the necessary knowledge and guidance on the interpretation of the ESG. They will provide professionals for the reviews of agencies and contribute to the creation of a ENQA pool of trained reviewers.
ENQA will organise two training sessions for experts in agency reviews. The first one will be held on 22 May 2009 in Paris and the second training session will take place on 23 October 2009 in Brussels.