9 October 2019 All Day
EURASHE together with ENQA, the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), and University of Groningen organised a workshop on work-based learning (WBL) and entrepreneurship in higher education on 9 October, in Brussels, Belgium.
The event was organised in the framework of the “Integrating Entrepreneurship and Work Experience into Higher Education” (WEXHE) project. The workshops aimed to share and discuss the outcomes of the WEXHE project, with a focus on work placements, traineeships and entrepreneurships. The workshop looked at policy development of WBL and the quality assurance aspects of WBL, and gave participants an opportunity to engage in discussions during world café sessions. The event was targeted at representatives of higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies, their networks, policymakers and other WBL stakeholders.
Full details and registration link are available here.