8 March 2023-9 March 2023 00:00
About the event
ENQA and EQAR organise a meeting of ministry and QA agency representatives with responsibility for higher education in the Western Balkans to foster the implementation in the region of the Bologna Process key commitment of having a quality assurance system in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (the ESG). Ministry and QA agency representatives of Slovenia and Croatia are also invited, due to the shared characteristics of quality assurance and higher education systems and their experience in supporting national QA agencies to reach ESG compliance.
The meeting will be held on 8-9 March 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. It aims to promote the importance of the ESG as a shared European commitment and discuss the conditions needed to achieve this. Special attention will be given to discussing the role of the legislative framework to support this. Furthermore, the meeting hopes to build bridges and stimulate the sharing of experiences between quality assurance and higher education systems in the wider region. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the kick-off meeting of the SEQA-ESG2 project.
The programme of the event can be found here.
Please note that this is an invitation-only event open to representatives of the ministry and QA agencies from the participating countries.
The list of participants can be found here.
For further information please contact Goran Dakovic (goran.dakovic@enqa.eu).
About ENQA and its role in QA policy making in the EHEA by Anna Gover, Director, ENQA
Aims and Objectives of the meeting by Goran Dakovic, Head of Agency Reviews
Key requirements on reaching the ESG compliance by Jolanta Silka, Board member, ENQA
State of implementation of the key commitment on external QA across the EHEA, with special emphasis on the countries of the Western Balkans by Colin Tück, Director, EQAR
RCC – ERI SEE support to QA systems in the Western Balkans 6 by Tina Šarić, Director, Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) Secretariat
Keynote: Frameworks for international cooperation: trends and challenges by Enora Pruvot, Deputy Director for Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development, European University Association (EUA)
A need for legislative alignment with the ESG? Reflections from the ministry representative of Slovakia by Peter Ondreička, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport, Republic of Slovakia
Independence of QA agencies – presentation of the analysis by Franci Demšar, Director, SQAA, Slovenia
Brainstorming on opportunities for collaboration moderated by Goran Dakovic, Head of Agency Reviews, ENQA