15 May 2008-16 May 2008 00:00
The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) Members Forum 2008 was hosted by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU).
CONEAU is a decentralised agency of the Argentina’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Its mission is to ensure and enhance the quality of university programmes and institutions in the Argentine university system.
The main subject of the Forum was the evaluation of curricula in a context of change. Within it, different themes as the development of quality standards, the outcomes assessment and its impact on the curricula, the institutional audits and the linkage between institutional self-assessment and strategic planning were also discussed through a range of workshops and panel discussions.
ENQA members, who are not members of INQAAHE, were able to register to the Members Forum.