22 May 2019 All Day
About the event
The LIREQA project organised a conference on linkages between academic recognition and quality assurance in Vilnius, Lithuania on 22 May 2019.
The event was organised as a final activity of the LIREQA project and was geared to those working within QA agencies, ENIC/NARIC centres, and HEIs. The conference discussed recommendations on how recognition of final qualifications, study periods and RPL could be improved, and how cooperation between the three target audiences could also be enhanced in the spirit of expectations under ESG 1.4 (Student admission, progression, recognition and certification).
The LIREQA consortium was led by SKVC (Lithuania, coordinator) and consists of AIC (Latvia), NOKUT (Norway), Nuffic (the Netherlands), the French Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI), ANECA (Spain), AQU Catalunya (Spain), Unibasq (Spain), and ENQA. The project’s Advisory Board included President of Intergovernmental Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee (LRCC); representative of European Student Union (ESU); representative of higher education institutions, coming from EUA; external expert from Ireland, former member of NARIC Advisory Board.
More information on the conference is available here.
Final programme
Speakers’ biographies
Moderators’ biographies
LIREQA Recommendations for HEIs, QA agencies and ENIC/NARIC centres
Practical information
- Recognition as a key to quality, access, and internationalization for students by Adam Gajek
- Is development of quality assurance and quality culture panacea for everything? by Tia Loukkola
- Monitoring of implementation as a tool to improve recognition by Gunnar Vaht
- External review of QA agencies: addressing effectiveness of internal quality assurance by external quality assurance by Caty Duykaerts
- Peer review of ENIC/NARIC centres and tools for HEIs to improve recognition practices by Bas Wegewijs
- Recognition and Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: Connecting the Dots by Aurelija Valeikienė