24 February 2015-25 February 2015 All Day
The OQNHE 3rd Conference is a two-day conference in quality management and quality enhancement in higher education. It aims at creating awareness, sharing good practices and providing a platform to bring policy makers, higher education institutions (HEIs) and interested stakeholders to share experiences and ideas. Her Excellency Dr Raywa Saud Al Busaidia, the Minister of Higher Education is the patron of this conference. The OQNHE Executive Committee thanks HE the Minister for supporting this conference.
Participants may be policy makers in higher education, higher education professionals, representatives from government, industry and HEIs with responsibility for quality assurance and quality enhancement. There will be two keynote addresses one international and the other one from the region. A good number of papers will be presented throughout the two-day sessions covering conference themes. The conference registration fee will be 100 OMR for all delegates.
This conference is specifically designed to cater to the needs of the specific target audience and aimed at experts in academia, government organizations, industry, technology providers and educational consultants in Oman and the region whose specialist knowledge is in quality management and quality enhancement.
More information is available here.