19 November 2014-20 November 2014 All Day
A small scale regional forum was organised targeting the ANQAHE member agencies in the Gulf region.
The purpose of the regional forum is threefold:
- to verify and collect further information on the host perspective;
- to inform the partner countries or potential partner countries of the state of art in QA of CBHE in Europe, by presenting the outcomes of the activities linked to the European agencies and institutions; and
- to facilitate the creation of collaborative links between European and non-European QA agencies and authorities. Other expected outcomes of the event will be further policy dialogue within and between the regions, and enhanced mutual understanding of the approaches and policies to QA of CBHE.
The event was designed to gather around 25 participants from QA agencies and other relevant actors in cross-border higher education (CBHE) in the region. All project partners from Europe also participated in the event, both to present outcomes of the other project activities and the European cases, as well as to discuss needs and opportunities for collaboration between agencies and relevant authorities in the future.
The event took place after the data collection in Europe was finalised, and when the agency surveys in each of the regions were complete.
The Gulf Regional Forum will took place on 19-20 November 2014 and was hosted by ANQAHE in Bahrain. The event was open to participants by invitation only.
Information about the QACHE project is available here.
Photos from the event are available here.
The following documents are now available:
The following presentations are now available:
Introduction to the work of ENQA and the QACHE survey for HEIs
The challenges of QA of CBHE: European QA Agencies
The quality assurance of cross-border higher education: an UK perspective
Quality assurance of cross-border higher education: views from Asia Pacific
Cross-border education opportunities and challenges: the UAE experience