15 November 2007-17 November 2007 00:00
Following the success of the first European Quality Assurance Forum (QAF) organised in Münich in 2006, this second Forum, funded by the Socrates Programme and co-organised by ENQA, ESIB, EUA and EURASHE, explored progress to date in implementing the Standards and Guidelines in higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies. It aimed at developing a common understanding of ways to develop further a European dimension for quality assurance.
The Forum explored ways of implementing external and internal quality assurance processes and how to use the outcomes. The focus was on perspectives and frameworks for action and on the exchange of examples of how to undertake evaluations. The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) were examined as a guide in helping the implementation process, especially in the light of the London ministerial meeting of May 2007. The specific objectives of this second Forum were:
- to gain an understanding of how to implement the European Standards and Guidelines;
- to analyse the success factors and obstacles;
- to grasp the implications of such an implementation and examine the impact and the unintended consequences;
- to discuss specific tools (such as student evaluations, implementing learning outcomes, reviews of QA agencies)
- to explore the principles underlying some of the European Standards and Guidelines and some of the tools.