7 May 2009-8 May 2009 00:00
This seminar was jointly organised by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) and the Austrian Accreditation Council (AAC).
The European quality assurance discussion is currently not focusing much attention on private higher education. At the same time, this sector – which is characterised by highly dynamic market-driven developments – poses a significant challenge for quality assurance.
This seminar explored the quite unhomogeneous sector of European private higher education and presented some examples of existing quality assurance practice. With a view to enabling mutual learning, a dialogue should be opened between quality assurance agencies, institutions, students and employers.
A special feature of the seminar programme was the research-based analysis of European developments from an external viewpoint.
The target group comprised representatives from quality assurance agencies, private and public higher education institutions, employers, students and public authorities/ministries.
The seminar programme can be found here.