13 November 2014 00:00-13:00
The SEQUENT project’s Master Class, a fee-free seminar conveniently scheduled for the morning of 13 November, before the start of the 9th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), took place in Barcelona, Spain.
The SEQUENT project was developed by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (EFQUEL) and ENQA as a joint initiative to promote the variety of tools, approaches, and models relating to the continued development of quality and excellence in e-learning. Additionally, the project aims to advance the European modernisation agenda by encouraging the use of ICT in higher education (HE) as a means to assist cross-border HE collaborations.
Utilising examples from practice and simulation, the informative and interactive workshop aimed to provide participants with new strategies for quality assessment of online, open, and flexible HE. Open to representatives from quality assurance agencies as well as higher education institutions, the seminar featured content on the latest European developments, methodologies and experiences relating to the provision and review of quality online instruction.
The programme and registration form are available here. For more information, please visit the SEQUENT website.