ANACEC • National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

ANACEC - National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

ANACEC is an ENQA Affiliate. ANACEC’s mission is to develop and promote the quality culture in vocational education, higher and continuing education, contributing to greater economic competitiveness and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the agency is to ensure an integrated, reliable, objective and transparent system of external evaluation and accreditation of institutions and study programs in vocational education, higher and continuing education in the Republic of Moldova. The Agency has the following strategic objectives:

  • to contribute to the development and promotion of the quality culture in vocational education, higher and continuing education;
  • to evaluate study programs and the capacity of organizations providing vocational education, higher and continuing education in order to achieve the quality standards;
  • to ensure the application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area in vocational education, higher and continuing education in the Republic of Moldova;
  • to ensure access to public information about the quality of vocational education, higher and continuing education in the Republic of Moldova;
  • to propose strategies and policies to partners in order to ensure and develop quality in vocational education, higher and continuing education;
  • to promote professionalism and competitiveness of vocational education, higher and continuing education in the Republic of Moldova;
  • to obtain international recognition of the Agency.
Contact information

Felicia Banu
Head of Department of higher education evaluation


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