ANECA • National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain

ANECA is a public body funded by the Ministry of Education in charge of the evaluation and accreditation of higher education at the national level in Spain. ANECA acts independently from the government through an Executive Director, and it is governed by a Council of representatives of stakeholders within the Spanish higher education system. The Agency receives funds from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport as established in the state budget. This income represents most of the Agency’s budget. The rest of the funds comes from its participation in international projects and the organisation of evaluations at the request of regional governments or higher education institutions. ANECA’s mission statement is to contribute to improving the quality of the higher education system through the evaluation, certification and accreditation of university programmes, academic staff and institutional-level approach evaluations, as well as to report to the National Ministry and to the Universities Council on the development of its assessment processes. It has also been commissioned with providing information about the quality of the University System and with performing an important role in the relation to Spanish Stakeholders Council. ANECA’s actions cover the entire country. The activities performed by the Agency are related to the evaluation of programme degrees, academic staff and institutional-level approach evaluation. These activities are carried out through different ANECA evaluation programmes.

ANECA is registered on EQAR.

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