ANVUR • National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes

ANVUR - National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes

The (Italian) National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) was legally established in 2006 by the Law n. 286. The first Regulation concerning the structure and functioning of the agency was set by the Presidential Decree n. 76 in 2010. The agency started to operate in 2011, after the nomination of the Governing Board members. Responsibility for QA of higher education was delegated to ANVUR with the Law n. 240/2010 and Legislative Decree n. 19/2012.

ANVUR oversees the Italian national quality evaluation system for universities and research institutes. It is responsible for the quality assessment of the activities carried out by universities and research institutes, recipients of public funding. It is also entrusted with steering the Independent Evaluation Units’ activities within each Institution, and with assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of public funding programmes or incentive programmes for research and innovation activities.

ANVUR assessments span the whole range of activities (teaching, research, third mission/impact, administrative performance) of universities and research institutes, and covers as well Institutions of Music and Arts. ANVUR also contributes to the ministerial procedures for National Scientific Qualification for the role of professor in the Italian Universities, setting minimum standards of research production for candidates.

ANVUR is currently undergoing an external review coordinated by ENQA. More information can be found here.

ANVUR’s most recent external review report can be found here.

Contact information
ENQA history
Membership granted on 20 June 2019

Via Ippolito Nievo, 35
00153 Rome

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