AQ Austria • Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria

AQ Austria - Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria

AQ Austria is a legal entity governed by public law which was established to develop and carry out external quality assurance procedures. These include: audits for higher education institutions and accreditation procedures for higher education institutions and degree programmes, according to national and international standards; the continuous supervision of accredited higher education institutions and degree programmes regarding the accreditation requirements; conducting studies and system-wide analyses, performing evaluations, and carrying out projects; providing information and advice in matters related to quality assurance and quality enhancement.

AQ Austria includes the competences and activities of three previous existing organisations, namely the Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat (Austrian Accreditation Council – ÖAR) the Fachhochschulrat (FH Council – FHR) and the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance (AQA).

AQ Austria is currently undergoing a targeted review coordinated by ENQA. More information can be found here.

AQ Austria’s most recent review report can be found here.

AQ Austria is registered on EQAR.

Contact information
ENQA history
Membership granted in 2012
Membership reconfirmed on 20 June 2019

Franz-Klein-Gasse 5, 3rd Floor
1190 Vienna

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