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Home • Member And Affiliate Database • AQAS • Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes
AQAS is a non-profit, registered organization that is independent from HEIs and functions outside of HEIs. The board and the three commissions comprise members of higher education institutions, members from professional practice and student representatives. The office of AQAS is based in Cologne.
AQAS provides accreditation for study programmes from all academic disciplines not only in Germany but also internationally. Moreover it carries out accreditation procedures for quality assurance systems of HEIs in Germany. Programmes are accredited for a limited period of time and then need to be re-accredited. AQAS has wide experience in the accreditation of joint and double degree programmes.
AQAS is one of currently eleven accreditation agencies in Germany. It first received accreditation from the German Accreditation Council (Akkreditierungsrat) on February 14th, 2002 for the duration of five years. Since then, the accreditation was renewed multiple times and nowadays is renewed based on the outcomes of the reviews coordinated by ENQA.
AQAS is registered on EQAR.
Doris Herrmann
Managing Director for Strategy, Procedures and International Affairs, Head of International Division