Home • Member And Affiliate Database • ARACIS • Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Home • Member And Affiliate Database • ARACIS • Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
ARACIS is the continuator of the Romanian National Council for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation, founded in 1994. ARACIS was established in 2005 by a Government Emergency Ordinance, having as its main mission the external quality evaluation of education in Romania.
ARACIS is an autonomous public institution of national interest, funded from evaluation fees and from projects. ARACIS’ mission is to carry out external quality evaluation of education provided by higher education institutions and by other organizations providing higher education study programs. The Agency performs the following types of evaluation activities:
Also, as member of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), ARACIS is authorized to award the EUR-ACE® Label for engineering study programs.
ARACIS’s most recent external review report can be found here.
ARACIS is registered on EQAR.
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011464 Bucharest