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ASCAL is an ENQA Affiliate. ASCAL operates in accordance with the Decision of Council of Ministers No. 109, dated on 15 February 2017 and in accordance with the Law No. 80/2015 on higher education and scientific research. The agency was derived from the reorganization of the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (PAAHE), established by the DCM No. 303 on 1 July 1999. ASCAL is the only institution operating in the higher education sector in the Republic of Albania that monitors and evaluates the quality of higher education. This activities are based on the State Standards on quality assurance and other standards and relevant guidelines on quality assurance in the international and European Higher Education Area. The Agency is an independent body that is both impartial and transparent when carrying out its activities. ASCAL performs the prior assessment of quality for HEIs, their units and study programs for the three cycles of study in the framework of their licensing procedure as well as external evaluation in the framework of institutional accreditation and study programs. The Agency also carries out analytical and comparative assessments of HEIs, programmes and areas of study.
Dr. Xhiliola Bixheku