ASIIN e.V • Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes of Engineering, Information Science, Natural Sciences and Mathematics

ASIIN e.V - Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes of Engineering

ASIIN is organised as a membership-based, not-for-profit association under German law. It was established in 1999 by its members, an alliance of universities, universities of applied sciences, chambers of engineering, technical and scientific associations and professional organisations, specialists and businesses as well as umbrella organizations of the social partners. ASIIN is funded solely through membership fees and accreditation fees.

All of ASIIN’s activities are aimed at securing and further expanding high standards and the quality of higher education – within Germany and internationally. ASIIN operates internationally on a private-law base but is located in Germany and authorized as an agency under the respective national public law in Germany and Kazakhstan. ASIIN is authorized to award European quality labels in engineering (EUR-ACE®), informatics (Euro-Inf®) and chemistry (Eurobachelor®/Euromaster®).

In the field of programme accreditation, ASIIN is specialised in reviewing degree programmes in engineering, informatics, mathematics and the natural sciences and all interdisciplinary combinations for these subjects. At the institutional level, ASIIN e. V. undertakes reviews of quality management systems at higher education institutions. The areas of expertise are reflected in the composition of its boards and committees which consist of national and international experts in the respective fields.

ASIIN is registered on EQAR.

Contact information

Jana Möhren
Head of the International Office


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