AVEPRO • Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Faculties

AVEPRO - Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Faculties

In accordance with the AVEPRO’s independent nature, it collaborates with all actors interested in the life and progress of ecclesiastical universities and faculties: the institutions themselves, the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Episcopal Conferences, all regional, national and international authorities, and all those who work in the various dioceses of countries in which ecclesiastical academic institutions are based.

The agency, established by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI in September 2007, is an institution connected to the Holy See. The agency’s duty is to promote and develop a culture of quality within the academic institutions that depend directly on the Holy See and ensure they possess internationally valid quality criteria.

AVEPRO collaborates with academic institutions in defining internal procedures to evaluate the quality of teaching, research and services, which is done through the development and use of appropriate operational tools (guidelines, questionnaires, databases, information networks, etc.). AVEPRO also organises external evaluation procedures for individual academic institutions and arranges visits to them by experts. Moreover, AVEPRO is developing guidelines to support the institutions in producing their strategic plan.

Contact information

Dr. Riccardo Cinquegrani


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