CEENQA • Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education

CEENQA - Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education

CEENQA is an ENQA Affiliate. CEENQA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with the purpose of promoting the cooperation between the member organisations in the development and harmonisation of their activities, in the field of quality assurance and quality improvement in higher education in Central and Eastern Europe, thereby making a contribution towards the development and implementation of the European Higher Education Area. To achieve its purpose, the Association has the following objectives:

  1. To assist each other in elaborating measures for harmonizing activities in quality assurance in the Central and Eastern European region, in order to participate in the European dimension of higher education, and to play a proactive role in shaping the European higher education area;
  2. To serve as a clearing house for issues on quality assurance in higher education in the Central and Eastern European countries and to exchange information about background, aims, procedures and outcomes of activities of member agencies;
  3. To share experiences and to foster cooperation in all fields of activity among member agencies.
Contact information

Jan Philipp Engelmann
Secretary General



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