CTI • Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur

CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur

CTI was established in 1934 by the French law as an independent commission whose members are both professionals from the industry and academics. CTI is managed by its permanent staff and an administrative operator that became an association of public interest in 2009. Concerning its financial resources, 45% of its funds come from the Ministry of Higher Education and 55% comes from a direct contribution from the higher education institutions.

CTI’s mission is the accreditation of engineering programmes in France. CTI also accredits engineering programmes abroad upon demand. The objective of CTI’s accreditation is twofold:

  1. To guarantee that engineering degrees are delivered according to appropriate quality standards.
  2. To ensure that the final competence profile of engineering graduates enables entry to the engineering profession.

In order to fulfill its mission, CTI has established a general engineering graduate profile and minimum quality standards that all engineering degrees should comply with.

CTI is registered on EQAR.

Contact information

Solange Pisarz
Executive Director


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