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Home • Member And Affiliate Database • CYQAA • Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education
CYQAA was established by law as an independent and autonomous authority in Cyprus. It is recognized as the only national quality assurance agency for higher education by the competent authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and by professional licensing bodies, institutions, employers, and stakeholders. The law safeguards the Agency’s autonomy and independence for its operations, i.e., external evaluation processes, methodologies, expert selection, and decision-making within its competencies. Higher education institutions, ministries and stakeholders have no effect on CYQAA’s decisions or evaluation results. The Agency is funded by the state budget and the law provides for the payment of fees by institutions for the conduct of evaluations.
CYQAA is responsible to ensure the quality of higher education in Cyprus and to support, through the procedures provided by the relevant legislation, higher education institutions in their continuous development and improvement within the framework of the ESG.
CYQAA is the competent authority responsible for:
CYQAA is registered on EQAR.
Prof. Mary Koutselini
President of the Council