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Home • Member And Affiliate Database • ECTE • European Council for Theological Education
ECTE is an ENQA Affiliate.
The ECTE is a cross-border, professional, discipline-specific, independent accreditation agency that operates according to the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). The ECTE is a registered agency on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR).
Through its activities, the ECTE contributes to the continuous enhancement of the quality of higher theological education in Europe and the Middle East. Accreditation by the ECTE involves external reviews institutions and programmes of theological education by independent, international peer experts, providing statements of comparability to published standards, and certifying levels in relation to the European Qualification Framework (EQF), the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA) and international comparability schemes.
As a cross-border QA agency, the ECTE serves both higher education institutions and alternative providers of higher education learning opportunities. The ECTE does not determine the status of institutions nor their ability to award formal degrees.
The ECTE conducts both autonomous, voluntary reviews and reviews in cooperation with national QA requirements.
Dr Marvin Oxenham
General Secretary
Affiliation granted June 2007 under the acronym EEAA
Affiliation reconfirmed on 21 September 2023