TKTA • Education Quality Assurance Agency

TKTA - Education Quality Assurance Agency

TKTA is an ENQA Affiliate.

According to the relevant Decree signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 29.12.2019, the Accreditation and Nostrification Department of the Ministry of Education was reorganized into the Education Quality Assurance Agency (TKTA) with the status of a public legal entity.

The primary activities and responsibilities of the TKTA are as follows:

  • Accreditation of institutions operating at all levels of education;
  • To prepare recommendations for the accreditation of educational institutions and organize trainings;
  • To organize consulting and methodological support services related to the establishment and development of internal quality assurance systems in educational institutions;
  • Taking part in the licensing of education institutions;
  • Recognition of the higher education qualifications of foreign countries;
  • Evaluation and recognition of the knowledge, skills, competencies, and experience acquired through non-formal and informal forms of vocational education.
Contact information

Mr. Samir Guliyev
Head of the Accreditation and Licensing Department

ENQA history

Affiliation granted November 2016
Affiliation transferred from ANO on 4 March 2021



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