FIBAA • Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation

FIBAA - Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation

The leading organisations of Swiss, Austrian and German industry established FIBAA in autumn 1994 as an international foundation. Right from day one, the intention was to develop a strict Assessment Guide for quality assurance in the field of higher education.

The purpose of FIBAA is to promote the quality and transparency in education and science by awarding quality certificates to educational programs and education institutions in the areas of higher education and continued professional development. FIBAA pursues this objective specifically by developing suitable methods and tools and by applying them. It defines guidelines for the respective qualification target of educational programs and providers of educational resources and sets up internationally qualified commissions for the purpose of accrediting, certifying and evaluating both domestic and foreign educational programs and providers of educational resources.

FIBAA has an international network and works closely within the framework of international bodies to enhance the comparability of quality standards and quality management procedures.

FIBAA is registered on EQAR.

Contact information

Mag. Diane Freiberger
Managing Director


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